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Watch the Time! Proposals for our Aging Clock Funding Call are Due Soon

The clock is ticking on the deadline for our funding call on aging clocks! Interested applicants have until midnight ET on December 31st to submit their proposals for funding on this page.

What is an aging clock?

Aging clocks are developments like apps, software and other devices, that are designed to track one’s biological age.

Why aging clocks?

Aging clocks offer vital insights into internal aging processes. It is not unusual for physicians to encounter patients with vastly different biological and physical ages. Some may be much “older” based on their body functions, while others have “younger” measurements. Understanding these differences and the factors contributing to them will unlock more nuanced findings on aging as a general process.

Aging clocks are also crucial for longevity care, as they provide a source of measurement to test the efficacy of various treatments. It is still being debated whether researchers can truly evaluate whether or not anti-aging therapies work, and aging clocks give a simple number to be used for comparison. Some aging clocks can even reflect changes with at-home measurements recorded on apps or wearables. This is a fantastic way to monitor the impacts of lifestyle adjustments like more exercise or better sleep.

Who can apply?

All researchers and innovators working on these topics (including academic researchers, startups, and healthcare institutions) are encouraged to apply to the funding call, and we are thrilled about the research areas we have seen in the proposals to date!

Note: The LSF has a non-discriminatory research selection process wherein we do not consider location or institutional background as part of the selection process. In doing so, we aim to lift researchers from underrepresented groups and geographies traditionally overlooked in funding allocation.

How does the LSF evaluate proposals?

Our management team and Scientific Advisory Board first review all proposals as they are submitted. The Scientific Advisory Board looks carefully at the proposal’s scientific soundness and how the research fits into the broader longevity field. When we have completed the internal review, the approval process moves to our donors.
